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Member 1 Information

**We communicate via email

Member 2 Information

Members will be listed in our directory available only to paid members.

If paying by  Zelle (
or by check,  submit above form, and exit the new page.


*Join now for membership Jan 1- Dec 31, 2024


Single $50:  One Person who is a primary resident/legal owner in Peak's Addition.  Eligible to vote (1 person)


Household $75: Two adults who are primary residents/legal owners in Peak's Addition. Eligible to vote (2 people)


Senior Citizens $25: One or two adults who are primary residents/legal owners in Peak's Addition and over the age of 65. Eligible to vote. (1-2 people)


Friend of Peak's Addition $25: Those who do not meet the required criteria to become a voting member of the Association.


Bylaw definition of Legal Ownership (for more information on bylaws, see the resources section of website):

1.3 Eligibility to Vote. No member shall be eligible to vote whose dues have not been paid and whose membership has not been accepted for at least thirty (30) days next preceding the date of such vote.




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